
About this Series... a tour


DETS is a curriculum‐based catalogue of 12‐session courses designed to empower self‐advocates to claim their rights, ask for assistance and generally thrive as they lean and proactive new life skills. Each one‐hour session is easy to present: support materials are clearly organized, and include strategies for engaging participants in activities that enhance the learning experience.
(Free Trial)


DETS is designed to be self‐led by teams of people with disabilities and their support allies. Sessions regularly feature art projects, singing, making things, and the use of visuals and role play. DETS methods insure that everyone participates and contributes to a shared learning process. Small groups learn over longer periods of time, with a structured framework of support from peers and allies.
(Free Trial)


There is a disparity between the rights people with disabilities have and the rights the are aware of and supported to exercise. This training series works to fix that disparity.
DETS is designed to address federal and state mandates for equality for people with disabilities. Topics covered include Olmstead disability inclusion mandates, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504. DETS is a tool with critical content for empowering people with dis¬ abilities to define a future for themselves. By investing in the DETS training, you showcase your commitment to building a future that supports equality and leadership for people with disabilities.
(Free Trial)

DETS addresses three areas of need:

  1. Building Personal Power. Knowing ourselves and creating an appetite for community.
  2. Connecting to Disability Rights. Seeing ourselves as part to a broader rights movement
  3. Building Better Communities. Getting out there and enjoying life—side‐by‐side with every‐one else

The Series

  • Is self-led; ACT supports those who engage self-advocates in their communities.
  • Is designed so each session is easy to present — support materials are easy to use, clearly organized, with guides for successful remote learning.
  • Uses a participatory learning model.
  • Is designed to be used with eight self-advocates with distance learning version and up to 12 self-advocates with in person version.
  • Promotes rigor in program structure and content, where groups learn over longer periods of time, creating lasting leadership skills.
  • Builds a commitment to attendance and recognition of achievement.
  • Is established from ACT Center’s decades of leadership and collaboration on dis-ability rights locally, nationally, and internationally.
  • Is structured on 12 sessions addressing key strategies for strong growth. Each session comes with full meeting guides and accessories, including a TRAINER GUIDE and a PARTICIPANT KIT.

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workbook sample

Please contact us at the ACT Center on Disability Leadership with any questions: 651-641-0297 | act@selfadvocacy.org.