104: Building Our Circle of Friends (distance learning) (For 16)
Pre Work for Trainers
Session 0: Participant Orientation
Session 1: Smile – Greet – Repeat and Jumbled Sentences
Session 2: Conversation Starters and Write a Friendship Poem
Session 3: What’s That You’ve Got There? and What Am I Doing Wrong?
Session 4: Picture What You Love and Three Things in Common
Session 5: Rights That Help You Make Friends and More Greeting Practice
Session 6: Barriers to Making Friends and More Small Talk
Session 7: My Friendship Goal and More What's That You’ve Got There
Session 8: Dear Abby and Make a Friendship Poster
Session 9: Assertiveness Training and Text Three People
Session 10: Your Personal Starter and Give Compliments
Session 11: Games with Friends
Session 12: Review and Celebrate Our Achievement